Once purchased the card is valid until 31st December 2024. By signing up for the card you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Definition of terms:
Card Holder - A person who has bought The Bluetit Discount Card.
Seller - A business listing an offer for card holders.
Any transaction with a 3rd party seller using The Bluetit Discount Card is between the Card Holder and the Seller. The Bluetits Chill Swimmers Ltd takes no responsibility for these transactions.
If a Card Holder attempts to use a code and finds the offer has been withdrawn by the Seller, The Bluetits Chill Swimmers Ltd is not responsible. Please do let us know though!
The purpose of The Bluetit Discount Card is to raise much needed funds for The Bluetits as a not-for-profit social enterprise and help us change the lives of thousands of people in our communities. The discounts are solely for the use of the Card Holder.
Bluetit Website Discount
Your discount is linked to the email address that you bought your discount card with. If you use a different email address when ordering the discount code won’t work. Please contact us if you need to update your email.
Use of Discount
If you do not enter the code at the checkout and therefore do not receive your discount we are unable to refund the discount at a later date.
Unauthorised Use of Card
If we find that a Card Holder is sharing codes with Non-Card Holders, sharing the password or codes publicly, or purchasing more than would be reasonable for personal use, we reserve the right to withdraw their access to the card without a refund.
Mailing List
In order to make the most of your card, you will need to subscribe to emails at checkout. If you unsubscribe from the mailing list we will be unable to contact you about any future updates or offers.